Month: January 2021

Via Ferrata della Regina

The Via Ferrata della Regina is suitable for expert walkers ideally with previous experience on vie ferrate.

The via ferrata is reached with a short approach along an easy path which leads under the cliff from the small and elegant … Leggi tutto

Spring tips

Here we are finally at the gates of spring! In my opinion the TOP season for hiking in Sardinia. Days, which have already started to grow few minutes a day since winter, are slowly becoming longer and allowing us to … Leggi tutto


Here a collection of some short videos I made during our excursions. Of course I’m not a professional filmmaker, so I only try to document… with the results you can see! 🙂

Grande Traversata del Supramonte

Grande Traversata del Gennargentu
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Grande Traversata del Supramonte

The Grande Traversata del Supramonte (GTS) is a 4-day trek, completely self-reliant, across the marvellous wild territory of the Supramonte.

Four days in the  wilderness during which the only man-made structures you come across (and where you will sleep) are … Leggi tutto

Via Ferrata di Giorré

The Via Ferrata di Giorré is an itinerary for expert walkers with via ferrata experience or those of average experience provided they are accompanied by a guide.

The route follows the long ledges across the imposing limestone crag of Giorré. … Leggi tutto