Bacu Padente

Bacu Padente is a deep valley, the descent of which requires the use of ropes for some vertical sections. It involves a mix of caving and canyoning techniques.This “bacu” (narrow valley or gorge) is not as famous as some others on Sardinia, buit this descent offers incomparable thrills and great views, with caves looking out over the sea and some easy climbing along the coast.

The descent of Bacu Padente is possible in summer as well. With an early start it’s still cool and by the time it’s hot you have reached the sea where you can go for a swim, conditions permitting!

Further information
The descent takes 4 hours and it’s possible to make a long round trip, starting from Santa Maria Navarrese, driving in a 4WD to Ololbissi and returning by sea in a RHIB.

Groups are composed of 6 or more persons and the price per person is 45 €. The price includes the guide to accompany you and the necessary technical equipment (helmet, harness, double lanyards). It doesn’t include the transfers by road or sea.

You can combine the descent of Bacu Padente with a visit to the Grotta del Fico, a lovely cave system over looking the sea. Tourists can visit this treasure, which is managed by the Società Speleologica Baunese.