Via Ferrata di Giorré

The Via Ferrata di Giorré is an itinerary for expert walkers with via ferrata experience or those of average experience provided they are accompanied by a guide.

The route follows the long ledges across the imposing limestone crag of Giorré. The ledges are wide in places, but in other places they narrow considerably or even disappear altogether. The most exposed sections are therefore protected by a steel cable and, occasionally, there are metals rungs to assist progression.

A group for the Via Ferrata can be organised all-year round and if you have a guide it’s not necessary to have specific skills or previous climbing experience.

Further information
• This excursion takes about 3-4 hours.
• Price per person starts from 45 € *
• The price includes the necessary technical equipment (helmet, harness, via ferrata set with energy dissipators, gloves)
• Possibility to book a private tour (1-3 participants)

* low season price (01-10/31-05), without intermediation, in a group of 9 people