I was born in 1963 and practice outdoor sports since 1984. I started going in the mountains first for caving and then rapidly moved on to trekking, canyoning and climbing – I’d really caught the bug! I have been a caving, canyoning, mountain walking and climbing instructor and C.A.I. walking guide.
From 1985 to 1997 I was part of the mountain rescue service (Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino), with active participation in the Commissione Tecnica Forre, created to create modern techniques for canyon rescue.
Since 1984 I have bolted more than 200 sport climbing routes on Sardinia’s cliffs and have taken part in many exploratory trips to far-away places, particularly with Esplorazioni Geografiche La Venta, of which I’m proud to be a member since 1997, with canyoning and caving expeditions to Mexico, Venezuela and the Philippines in addition to the Gorner and Aletsch glaciers in Switzerland.
I designed and built – alone and with private financing – the Via Ferrata del Cabirol on the cliffs of Capo Caccia (Alghero). In 2005 I created Sardinia’s first adventure park (at Arborea) and since then I have built ten others, some temporary, some permanent. In 2013 I designed and built a new via ferrata on the face of the crag at Giorré (Cargeghe) while in the first months of 2014 I built the Via Ferrata della Regina for the commune (municipality) of Monteleone Rocca Doria. In 2015, together with local professionals, I managed the design of a project for the installation of three vie ferrate in the Cañon del Sumidero (Chiapas – Mexico).
In all these years of outdoor activity I have been involved in many documentaries and TV transmissions on Sardinia. What has taken much more time, though, is the writing of many climbing, canyoning and walking guidebooks (see list below) for the publisher Edizioni Segnavia (whose management is my main job), so that other people with my same “addiction” to the mountains can discover them.
In 2018 I founded the Adventure Guide, an amateur sports association that deals with the promotion of rope activities.
I graduated in Cultural Tourism Sciences and in Languages, Tourism, Territory and Local Development at the University of Sassari. In the academic years 2020/2023 I taught “Technical theory and teaching of sports in natural environments” at the Motor Sciences course at the University of Sassari.
I am a Walking Guide (Guida Escursionistica), with number 580 in the official Regione Sardegna register of guides and Canyoning Guide (L. 4/2013).
I wrote
1991 “Sette itinerari di trekking nei monti dei Sette Fratelli”, ed. in proprio
1993 “Guida al torrentismo in Sardegna”, ed. Soluzioni Grafiche
1996 Path-Book “Le creste del Monte Arcuentu”, ed. Segnavia
1998 “Selvaggio Blu” – ed. Cuec
2001/2007 “Arrampicare ad Alghero e Sassari”, Edizioni Segnavia
2000/2017 “Arrampicare a Cala Gonone”, Edizioni Segnavia
2002 “Canyoning nel Mediterraneo”, Edizioni Segnavia
2006 “Canyoning”, manuale della collana “come fare”, Edizioni Segnavia
2007/2009 “Il sentiero Selvaggio Blu”, Edizioni Segnavia
2007 “Sassari, guida al centro storico”, Edizioni Segnavia
2008/2018 “The Selvaggio Blu trek”, Edizioni Segnavia
2009 “Torrentismo in Sardegna”, Edizioni Segnavia
2010 “Grande Traversata del Supramonte”, Edizioni Segnavia
2011 “I sentieri dei vulcani”, Edizioni Segnavia
2012 “Grotte e sistemi carsici del Nuorese e dell’Ogliastra”, Edizioni Segnavia
2014 “Il top del trekking in Sardegna”, Edizioni Segnavia
2014 “Top treks of Sardinia”, Edizioni Segnavia
2015 “Grande Traversata del Gennargentu”, Edizioni Segnavia
2017 “I sentieri della Costa Smeralda”, Edizioni Segnavia
2018 “Hiking in Costa Smeralda”, Edizioni Segnavia
2019 “Acquatrek in Sardegna”, Edizioni Segnavia
2020 “Percorsi avventura in Sardegna”, Edizioni Segnavia
2020 “Il trekking delle Bocche di Bonifacio”, Edizioni Segnavia
2021 “Venti trekking sui fiumi della Sardegna”, ed. La Nuova Sardegna
2022 “Sei passeggiate nei boschi della Sardegna”, Edizioni Segnavia
2023 “Sardinia trekking”, Lonely Planet EDT
2023 “Sardinia climbing & canyoning”, Lonely Planet EDT
2023 “Vie Ferrate in Sardegna”, Edizioni Segnavia
2025 “Via Ferratas of Sardinia”, Edizioni Segnavia
Corrado Conca